LAC and Vulnerable Learnerss


Regional Planning which responds to Local Needs

GwE is aware that many of you across the region have benefited from the training which has already been provided. The feedback received so far has been extremely positive, with many commenting on the high standard of the training.

Between April 2016 and March 2017 we will be providing you with another training programme.

Some training courses will be available for each authority, others for localities, and others specifically for your requirements.

Understanding and Working with Children Impacted by Developmental Trauma – Jane Evans

Jane Evans’ training will enable an exploration of how early trauma shapes the growth and development of a child’s brain and body, and the impact this has on their ability to:

  • Concentrate and relax
  • Form and sustain meaningful relationships
  • Enjoy good mental and physical well-being
  • Have a positive sense of themselves
  • Reduce complex and challenging behaviours
  • Accessing curiosity and joy
  • Be able to commit to and retain learning

This year once more there will be an opportunity for more of you to attend the following cross-authority training.


2 day – Train the Trainer course

Pivotal delivers practical, rigorous and sustainable training through flexible training models.
Pivotal training is inspirational and practical. Pivotal inspire adults to confront their own behaviour, develop a deeper understanding of childrens’ behaviour and tie them into a consistent approach. Pivotal demonstrate practical ways to create and maintain a positive, supportive and safe environment that works for every child and every adult.
The Pivotal approach in schools challenges existing practice. Pivotal trains teachers to recognising behaviour that is ‘over and above’ expectations, make children feel valued and important.
Pivotal know that children can be taught better behaviour and better routines.
When the adults’ change, everything changes.

How do I register to attend any one of these courses?

Contact your local Looked After Children’s coordinator.


All-Wales charity which aims to achieve legal equality and social justice for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans) people across Wales.

Training is offered for one member of staff from each school.

The Equality Act 2010 places a legal duty on schools and local authorities to create a place where young people can be a part of their communities, live, work and have positive healthy lives, free of discrimination.

The United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child(UNCRC) sets out rights that children and young people have. This includes rights to allow young people to have safe, healthy and happy lives.

Estyn inspectors look especially at the performance of particular groups of pupils in addition to considering the extent to which pupils feel free from physical and verbal abuse in school.

Estyn’s Action on Bullying report highlights that homophobic bullying is a top priority from inspectors in their inspection framework, ensuring that schools and local authorities are ensuring that children and young people are safe from bullying.

Stonewall Cymru’s Train the Trainer courses provide pastoral, PSE and anti-bullying leads with all the tools and techniques needed to train other staff to tackle homophobic bullying, gender stereotypes and celebrate difference in an age-appropriate way; helping you to meet the requirements under the Estyn inspection framework.

Participating schools become part of our School Champions programme.

Yellow Kite 

‘Inside I’m Hurting’

Supporting the pupil who has experienced significant relational traumas and losses

Day 1

This day of training is suitable for a wide range of professionals and parents/carers who are interested in understanding how to settle a troubled pupil to learn within the education context. It is intended to inspire those who attend, enabling them to realize that they can all contribute and make a difference whatever their role or responsibility. The day will also encourage alternative practices in schools by using an attachment framework to understand behavior as communication.

‘What About Me?’

What might attachment support look like during a school day?

Day 2

This day is intended for education staff and parents/carers who have completed Day 1. This day is much more interactive than Day 1 and therefore a smaller audience is best. Delegates will get more out of the day if they read back over their notes from Day 1 and come willing to contribute. Day 2 assumes knowledge of the principles and practices covered in Day 1. Throughout the day participants will have opportunity to reflect upon how to extend Attachment Awareness in everyday practices within school.

Date and Authority Venue How to Register?
Denbighshire and Conwy
You have the option to attend any of the locations indicated below.
Gwynedd and Anglesey
Day 2 – 27/02/2017
Tŷ Menai, Parc Menai, Bangor Day 2 Registration click here

YoungMinds is a charity which aims to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people in the United Kingdom.

They provide specific training which targets support for vulnerable children in schools and, following your requests for assistance with mental health, we are pleased to announce that training is now available by contacting with your county’s Looked After Children Co-ordinator.

Unearthing – Hope Mountain

The Unearthing box is a resource developed in North Wales in 2008 to be used for 1:1 and small group intervention with young people. By now they are used in many public and third sector organisations in Wales and England. They are based on the following simple principles:

  • The Unearthing box was designed to help each young person feel that they are appreciated and heard. This builds self-respect.
  • The unearthing box is a quick and natural way of creating a quiet space for young people to think creatively and positively. They can unearth their own wisdom and work out new ways of moving forwards for themselves. This strengthens them.
  • The Unearthing box helps build self-understanding and empathy in a pleasant and enjoyable way. This lays the foundation for building social skills and controlling one’s own emotions.

The Unearthing and Journey boxes were designed and released by Hope Mountain and are sold directly to organisations, thus eliminating the wholesaler’s profit. They are a non-profit organisation and take pride in providing resources and training which satisfy your needs. They provide a highly regarded training course for staff on how to use these resources to maximise the benefits for young people. The training is also valued as a tool for developing staff.

Contact your local co-ordinator for Looked After Children to arrange a training course.

Rob offers training on many matters which affect children’s ability to develop emotionally and academically. Rob can offer training for schools on the following:

Attachment, Building the Wall of Emotional Development, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, “I want to be angry”, Social Media and retaining Professionalism, Divorce and its impact on learning

Contact Rob directly to discuss your training requirements.

Remember, you may contact us with any specific request for advice or training.

GwE – RobJewell@GwEGogledd.Cymru

Wrexham –

Flintshire –

Denbighshire –

Conwy –

Gwynedd –

Anglesey –

Raising the ambitions and educational attainment of children who are looked after in Wales and the accompanying action plan were published on Thursday, 28 January 2016. Please click on the documents below to view them.


Please see below GwE’s Regional Plan for Raising the Attainment of LAC in Schools.