Who are the GwE Curriculum for Wales Team
In response to the Successful Futures report and to support the work of the Pioneer schools, GwE have established a Curriculum for Wales team who have a range of experience in both secondary and primary phases. A key role of the team is to work with and support all schools across the region to develop both the new curriculum and the professional learning that will follow as a result.
Ruth Thackray
Curriculum for Wales Senior Lead
Claire Rowlands
Curriculum for Wales Supporting Improvement Adviser
Gwenno Jarvis
WBQ, MFL and Curriculum for Wales
Supporting Improvement Adviser
Supporting Improvement Adviser
Gethin Môn Thomas
Curriculum for Wales Supporting Improvement Adviser
Andrea Taylor
Curriculum for Wales
Supporting Improvement Adviser
Supporting Improvement Adviser
In addition to the above, the team works closely with consortia staff and Digital Leaders to support the work of the Digital Framework.