Thursday, 7 June 2018 – Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Click here to download a copy of the presentation from the day.
The Welsh Government held their annual Regional Primary Headteacher Conference on 7th June 2018.
Together we are making important choices about our collective ability to shape an education system that is modern, excellent and innovative.
We are at a critical time in the development and implementation of our National Mission, and I believe strongly that we need to provide an opportunity to ensure that we agree the areas to focus upon and embed within our schools, whilst also debating other areas of priority and seek to agree how we move forward with them.
The conference will provide us all with an opportunity to bring leaders together from the 3 delivery tiers within Welsh Education:
- Leaders of our primary schools and primary phase special schools
- Leaders of education consortia and LAs,
- Leaders from the Welsh Government’s Education Directorate
We are also ensuring the participation of leaders from our partners namely Estyn, EWC and Higher Education to enable them to support you in delivering on your goals.
The days will include a focus on:
- providing a significant opportunity for headteachers to work in partnership with key individuals from Welsh Government and key partners from Estyn, Local Authority and Diocesan officials, as well as international experts
- sharing and debating the principles to be applied to future assessments and evaluations of:
- Schools
- Local Authorities
- Regional consortia
- Welsh Government
- sharing and debating how school self evaluation will underpin a self improving system in Wales.
- providing an opportunity for headteachers to input into the joint Estyn/OECD project to create a national self-evaluation and improvement toolkit which is being carried out for Welsh Government.
We are pleased to announce that speakers include Steve Munby, Graham Donaldson as well as other experts.