Views Sought on ICT Qualifications – Qualifications Wales
A request from Qualifications Wales – views sought on ICT qualifications
Qualifications Wales is currently reviewing GCSEs, A levels and vocational qualifications in ICT, taken by pupils in Wales, and the skills they develop from studying these before starting a career in ICT.
ICT is recognised as one of the fastest growing industries in Wales and identified as a priority sector for growth by the Welsh Government and the Regional Skills Partnership. This means that in the future it’s likely that there will be more jobs available than qualified learners.
As part of our review, we are asking learners and learning providers, as well as employers and others, to complete a short questionnaire on whether qualifications in this sector are meeting the needs of learners.
For information on the review, and a link to the surveys, please visit our website.
If you have any questions about this survey or, if you would like to get in touch with us about the review, then please contact us at
Thank you for your co-operation.