Leading Learning and Teaching
3 Day Programme
Leading Learning and Teaching
Literacy and Numeracy 2016-2017
“ Leaders of education at every level working together in a self-improving system providing mutual support and challenge to raise standards in all schools” – ‘Qualified for Life – an educational improvement plan for 3-19 year-olds in Wales’ (Welsh Government, 2014)
Building upon last year’s success, we will again be offering Literacy and Numeracy Leaders the opportunity to further develop their leadership and subject skills, with the 3 day Leading Learning and Teaching programme.
This programme will be open to every primary school within the GwE region, free of charge, although is only suitable for Literacy and Numeracy Leaders who have not previously attended this programme. (There will be alternative opportunities for previous cohorts to further develop their roles. Further information will follow separately).
The three day programme will focus on the following key areas of Leading Learning and Teaching:
Key Area 2: Leading Learning and Teaching (Leadership milestone Matrix, 2015)
Aspiring leader:
- Gain experience of analysing school, local and national data, drawing conclusions and suggesting areas for improvement.
- Gain experience in lesson observation and providing feedback in a variety of contexts.
Middle leader:
- Take responsibility for evaluating standards of learning and teaching across a subject or curriculum area.
- Work to ensure consistency of expectations and practice across the area of responsibility. Identify areas for improvement and good practice.
- Share these with your team and others by producing and implementing an evidence-based development plan which includes identified outcomes and impact.
- Identify, model and share good practice through involvement with learning and teaching
- work across and beyond the school.
Practical matters:
- By registering for this programme you will commit to attend for one day per term, for the full academic year.
- There will be inter-sessional tasks to complete, which will be relevant to the literacy/numeracy aspect of the school’s improvement plan for the year. This will not be additional work. It will be part of the literacy/numeracy leader’s ongoing role, bespoke to individual schools. Participants will be expected to provide feedback on their work at the following session.
- There will be no cost to the programme but schools will need to fund their own supply costs.
- There will be one full day per term (9.00-4.00) for Literacy Leaders and a separate day for Numeracy Leaders. Some of the content will be generic but some will also be subject specific. Schools can send one participant to numeracy and another to literacy if they so wish.
- Lunch will be provided.
- If you are unsure about your eligibility to attend, please e-mail literacyandnumeracy@gwegogledd.cymru
- The closing date for registration will be Friday 7th October 2016
- Day 1 (Autumn term) session will be held between 10th and 21st of October 2016. (See below for specific dates and regional venues and follow links to register.)
- Day 2 (Spring term) will be held between 1st and 17th of February 2017.
- Day 3 (Summer term) will be held between 5th and 23rd of June 2017.
Leading Learning and Teaching in Primary: English-medium
Date | Venue | Link to register |
Wednesday, 12 October 2016 | Ysgol Grango, Wrexham | Click here to register for the LITERACY training |
Friday, 14 October 2016 | Morfa Hall, Rhyl | Click here to register for the LITERACY training |
Thursday, 20 October 2016 | Ysgol Grango, Wrexham | Click here to register for the NUMERACY training |
Friday, 21 October 2016 | Bryn Eirias (GwE Offices), Colwyn Bay | Click here to register for the NUMERACY training |