August 2018: A / AS Level results
(Provisional on the day results)
Regional Press Release
GwE would like to congratulate learners on their achievements in this year’s A
and AS Level examinations. We are delighted that the hard work of staff and
learners has paid off.
Wales is currently undergoing a period of change in how performance
measures are used within the accountability system. One aspect of this change
is the way we report on regional and local outcomes. GwE is already working
closely with schools to track individual pupil performance over time which will
mean that school leaders and our local authorities are well positioned to gauge
where schools are progressing well or where they may need additional support.
As in previous years there has been effective planning by schools across the
region to ensure that learners are given the opportunity to access appropriate
pathways following their results.
Karen Evans, Lead Director for GwE noted:
“We can take pride in the success of our young people.
“I would like to thank the schools and the teachers for their hard work and
professionalism, the learners for their efforts and the parents for their support.”
Councillor Gareth Thomas, Chair of GwE Joint Committee said:
“The learners are to be congratulated for their dedication and perseverance. I
would also like to offer my sincere gratitude to the teachers for their hard work
during the year and for preparing learners so thoroughly for the examinations.
“I would like to wish all the very best to our young people as they make their
choices for the next steps in their careers.”